Transportation Eligibility

Starting on Friday, February 6, 2015 the Transportation Eligibility data base for the 2015-2016 school year will be accessible. Parents and students will be able to enter their address to see whether they are eligible for Transportation in September 2015. To find your Transportation Eligibility for the 2015-2016 school year, please follow the instructions below; […]

Consultation Appointments with Carizon – New Day

We are so fortunate to have Leanne Brown here each Thursday morning, available to consult with adults.  There are three appointment times each week – beginning at 9:00 a.m.  Please check with Heather MacNeil (our office manager) to find the sign up book.  Leanne is a careful listener, and is able to steer you in […]

Springtime Weather

Unpredictable weather continues during the spring.  Please make sure to dress your child/ren appropriately in layers, so that they can manage the outdoor recess time.  Rain boots (even on sunny days) help to keep feet dry, socks cleans and our classroom floors clean.

Central Wolf Pack

Please click on the title to see our new PAWsitive Behaviour Code poster. You can click on the poster to enlarge for better viewing.

Check out our new “subscribe by email” option!

On the sidebar of this homepage, you’ll see a new option – “Subscribe by email”.  If you enter your email address, our site will send notifications out to let you know about recent updates – in our posts, or in the calendar.  Please consider signing up so that you stay up to date with the […]


We will be updating our online calendar on a regular basis – simply click on the Calendar tab at the top of the home page. Please make sure to check in frequently so that you are familiar with all of the great activities and events happening at Central!

Safe Welcome

Thank you for honouring our safe welcome protocol at Central.  We appreciate when you ring the doorbell, and let us know the purpose of your visit.  If you need to be in the school to visit a class, have a meeting with a teacher, or to volunteer, you must sign in at the office, and […]

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