Our School

Original Building: 1856-1969
New Building: 1969-Present
The school is located in the East Galt area of Cambridge in Ward 4.
Our School Mission Statement:
At Central we are the ‘Wolf PACK’
Our mission is to instill and teach the values of being Positive, Accountable, Co operative and Kind, in our school and in our local and global communities. 
Our vision is to empower our students to be the future leaders of any ‘PACK’.
P  – I will not give up; I will try again, even if I fail, or the job is difficult.
    – I do my best to learn from my mistakes.
    – I choose words that encourage and build others up.
A – I am honest and tell the truth about what I have said or done.
    – I make choices to keep myself and everyone else safe.
   – I own my words and actions so that I can solve problems.
   – I am responsible and reliable so that others can trust me.
C – I listen to the ideas of the teacher, and of other students.
   – I can work with anyone in a team, offering my ideas so that we can learn.
   – I make sure to treat the school and other people’s property with respect.
   – I follow instructions.
K – I treat others the way that I want to be treated.
  – I use my voice to stand up for what is right.
  – I include others so that they don’t feel lonely.
  – I offer to help.

Our Students

Approximately 250 junior kindergarten to grade 6 students are enrolled at Central. Our graduating grade 6 students move on to attend Stewart Avenue Public School.

 Our Staff

The staff at Central Public School is dedicated to educational excellence. Our staff contains 13 classroom teachers, one principal, an office manager, 1 library clerk and 2 custodians that look after the building. Special Education, Early Literacy and core French staff are also available on-site.

 Parents and Community

Central P.S. School Council meets each month. We have a dedicated group of parents who take a keen interest in working in a collaborative manner with school staff. We invite and encourage all parents to attend our informal meetings.

 Academic Programs

In addition to the regular curriculum offered at the school Central P.S. has developed an At-Home Book Bag Program to support our students. Many students participate by taking home a book to read each night. Central encourages regular and consistent reading in order to help develop strong independent readers.

Through the assistance of several dedicated parent volunteers we have also been able to initiate the Strong Start early literacy program to assist our kindergarten students.